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Eco Family News

Some new members have joined our forever growing Eco-Family at Northwick Park.  We have been continuing with all our ongoing projects, we are pleased to update you on two new areas.

You may have noticed our new blue bin by the main gates.  You can donate any unwanted clothes or shoes here to be recycled.  This will not only reduce the amount of waste going into landfill but also generate money for the school which we are hoping to use for further projects.  We will continue to collect reusable uniform separately and will offer these to others from our ‘Uniform’ area in the main reception area. 

We have also been working on making items for our pond area.  Here we hope to make a ‘Recycled Garden’ for the whole school to enjoy.  Any donations will be greatly appreciated from plants, pots, ornaments to benches.  We will update you with photos as soon as we can.

The Eco-Family