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New Term News

 A Message from Mrs Lane

 Welcome Back to Northwick Park .


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Dear Parents/Carers

School re-opening plans for September

I hope you are all safe and well.

Thank you for supporting your child’s home learning while the school has been partially closed.

We are looking forward to seeing all the children in years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 6 back in school on Thursday 3rd September.

I understand that many parents and carers may feel anxious about their child returning to school.  The Curriculum during the first week and a half will all be based around pupils’ and staff’s wellbeing.  Below you will find more information about how the school day will be organised.  Please be advised that school attendance is compulsory from the beginning of the Autumn term unless children are unwell or self-isolating.

  • The class teachers will be the same as discussed at the recent transition meetings.
  • Children will be organised in year group bubbles and will not mix with children from other year groups during the teaching day.
  • Breaks and lunchtimes will be staggered throughout the day so the year groups will not mix.
  • Children will be able to have a school dinner (this will be a hot dinner served in a disposable container) or bring a packed lunch.
  • All children will need to bring their own water bottle to school.  They will be able to refill it during the day.
  • Classrooms will be cleaned daily and the halls and toilets cleaned throughout the day.
  • There is no expectation that staff will routinely wear face coverings.  However, staff may wear PPE in very specific circumstances.
  • Where practical, movement will be round the outside of the school.
  • The children will use their own equipment which will be kept in a plastic wallet which is easy to clean.
  • Any shared equipment will be cleaned before and after use.
  • All children will wash their hands before they enter school and before they go home.  There will be regular supervised hand washing throughout the day.


Clothing and Equipment


  • Children will need to wear school uniform.
  • On PE days children should come to school in their PE kits of black shorts, red or white plain t-shirts, school jumpers/cardigans and black or grey jogging bottoms and trainers.
  • On forest school days, they will come to school in their forest school clothes (details to follow).


Entry/Exit through Back Gate (Second Avenue):


Drop Off                                   Pick up

8.15 – 8.25             Y6              2.25 Back playground

8.30 – 8.40             Y4              2.40 Back playground

8.45 – 8.55             Y1              2.55 Back playground


Entry/Exit through Main Gate:


8.30 – 8.40             Y5              2.40 KS2 playground

                                   Y3             2.40 Car Park


8.45 – 8.55             Y2              2.55 KS2 Playground

8.55 – 9.05             YR             2.50 Car Park

Only daycare, nursery and reception parents are allowed on site in the morning.

At the end of the day, one adult per child is to enter through the main/side gate and wait in the designated waiting area for your child.  Please leave the site as soon as you have collected your child.  If your child is attending Busy Bears, they will be taken there by staff as usual.

We will be restricting the number of staff who work in each bubble and across more than one bubble.  This will make it difficult for staff to be released for their statutory planning, preparation and assessment time.  Therefore, as a temporary measure, until the end of the Autumn Term, school will close after lunch on Fridays (detailed times to follow in September).  This does not apply to nursery children.  Children will be able to be collected or stay in school and will be looked after by Learning Support Assistants.  Parents will be asked to sign up for this in September.  These arrangements will start on Friday 11th September.  Teaching time will not be reduced as the lunch hour will be shorter and we will not be holding assemblies or singing in large groups.

Busy Bears If your child is attending breakfast club, please bring them to the Busy Bears. School Office There is very limited access to the school office. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please ring the school on 01268 684 554

We are in the process of completing a detailed risk assessment that will be available on the school website by August 24th.

I hope everyone manages to get a break over the summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.

Yours sincerely

Mrs E Lane Headteacher