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Busy Bears


Busy Bears Club opened in September 2003 it is run under the direct management of Northwick Park Primary and Nursery Academy.    It aims to provide morning and after-school care for up to 52 pupils, aged 2 – 11 years during term time for Northwick Park pupils.

We also provide sessional or full day-care for 2 – 4 year-olds.

The Holiday Club from 7.15 am. – 6.00 pm for all children aged between 2 and 11 years, regardless of which primary school they attend.

We aim to provide a friendly and stimulating environment for the children.   Our play workers are all qualified and employed as Nursery Nurses or LSA’s at Northwick Park Primary and Nursery Academy.    Parents are welcome to comment on the club and to discuss their children’s care with them.

Busy Bears Club is registered with Ofsted - No. EY289743, and has achieved Aiming High Quality Assurance.

If you would like more information or to book your child into the club, Tel 01268 511863.


                             Please book your space for guaranteed availability