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Forest School 1

Hello Forest School lovers!                                                 ONE

We hope you have been enjoying your time at home with your families and keeping safe.  You may have even had the opportunity to get outside in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine!  Maybe you were lucky and the Easter bunny visited your garden or house bringing you lots of yummy chocolate eggs!

We would love to hear all about the great things you have been doing outside and whether you have managed to recreate some of the things you love doing at Forest School.  Here are some ideas of things that are easy to do if you have an outside space:

  • Make a nature scavenger hunt (get an adult to make a list of ten things that can be found outside and go on a hunt to find them e.g. green leaf, smooth stone, a twig).
  • Create a picture using the things that you have found outside – this could simply be done on the ground outside or you could stick them onto paper.
  • Do some bird watching – how many different types of birds can you see or hear? Can you name them?  Keep a log of what you see.
  • Take a washing up bowl of water outside and experiment with which things you can find outside that float e.g. twigs, seeds, leaves.
  • Can you build a small shelter outside for an animal like a mouse of a hedgehog?  If you’re lucky enough to have some old pallets/bricks in your garden you can pile them up and fill the gaps with things like cardboard tubes, shredded paper, feathers, pebbles.  This would make a great bug hotel! Check each day to see who has moved in!
  • Make something exciting from sticks – wrap some wool or string around it to make a magic wand, tie some together to make a stick man, perhaps add some feathers……
  • Collect flowers (e.g. daisies, dandelions – not anyone’s prized roses or daffodils please!) and use them to create a crown – can you make daisy chain jewellery?  Perhaps you could knot grasses to create a wreath?!
  • Can you build a den to play in using things you find in your garden?
  • Are you lucky enough to have some chalks at home?  Could you chalk some pictures or maybe a rainbow on the ground?  You could also do some chalk artwork on a tree if you have one.
  • Tie a piece of string of any length into a circle, dip it into bubble mix and waft it around to make giant bubbles.

Whatever you choose to do outside, just take the time to enjoy the fresh air and the nature around you.  Perhaps enjoy some quiet time and do some cloud watching.

We look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to.  Stay safe.


Mrs Clark and the Forest School team x


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