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General Information

Snack Time

Please inform the Nursery if you child has any food or drink allergies.

Children have a snack at mid-session.  The cost of this snack will be 30p per session payable weekly or half termly in advance.

The snack will comprise of a drink (milk or water) and a wide variety of foods.  Often the children will have prepared and cooked their own snacks. 

Jewellery and Valuable Items

The only ear-rings which are acceptable in Nursery are small studs and we would request that you ensure your child does not wear any other jewellery.  If your child wishes to bring something precious from home to show the Nursery it will be kept in a safe place until home time.


The only medicines children will be able to take during session times will be inhalers.  These will be supervised by an adult.


Children should wear something practical and comfortable i.e. jogging bottoms not jeans with buttons and zips.  There are red and black nursery t-shirts and sweatshirts available to buy at all times from the office.

Parking and Environment

Please do not park in or near the school or use the drive as a turning point or parking area. 

Please help us to keep the school environment clean by not bringing dogs onto the premises or dropping litter. 

The school including ground is a smoke free environment.


Children who become unwell at Nursery will be cared for until parents can be contacted.  It is important that the Nursery has an up to date record of telephone numbers together with as many addition contact numbers as possible.  If your child is absent for any reason please notify the Nursery as soon as possible.