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News Summer 3

Year 4 - Summer 3


Year 4 – summer weeks 1,2 and 3

We hope you have had a great half term and making the most of the sunny days to get outside in the fresh air. Thank yu to those children who have sent in some examples of the work you have been doing! Keep it coming!

We know you have been at home for a long time now and might be finding it hard to focus but we just need to keep going for a bit longer!

Make sure you are continuing to read at home – it can be anything you like, and could even include listening to audiobooks.

We continue to miss you all, and can’t wait to see all your lovely smiling faces when we are allowed to return to school.

Below are some activities to keep you busy during the next three weeks, but remember that home learning is also about developing life skills so please spend time learning a new skill e.g. riding your bike, telling the time, tying your laces or setting yourself sporting challenges.

Don’t forget you can e-mail us on with photos of the hard work you have completed.

Mrs Corbyn, Miss Mattey, Miss Leader, Mrs Hyde and Mrs Clark.