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News Summer 5-6

 Reception children learning from home... Summer 5-6

Hello everyone.

We hope you are all ok and have been enjoying the sun! We are missing you all and hope that you have been enjoying the work at home. This week we have focused our learning around the topic of growth. We are growing our own sunflowers in class and have explored how flowers grow. It would be lovely if you could work with your grown ups in your environment and talk about what plants you can see and explore how they grow. There are some really good time lapse videos on YouTube of different flowers growing that you could watch. We have looked at different parts of a flower and have attempted to label them. We have been discussing different things that grow and what they need to do so. We have found you some activities to do at home. Please keep emailing your work to us as we honestly love to see all the fun and exciting things you get up to. 

Reception teachers
