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Online Safety Summer 2

 Activities for 8-10s Number 2, 

Activity 1: Alfie’s videos

  •  If needed, watch Episode 1: Block Him Right Good, Alfie again with your child at
  •  Look at Resource Sheet 1: Alfie’s profile. Alfie has taken some important steps to make sure that he is safe when he is making videos and posting them online.
  •  Ask your child to write down four steps Alfie has taken, either on the Resource Sheet or on paper.
  •  Once completed, discuss your child’s answers and identity any missed steps [Steps: 1. profile picture is an avatar, not an actual photo


2. username does not feature his name. 3. Privacy set to friends only.

4. Wears clothes that are not school uniform or private, like pyjamas.]

Activity 2: Being kind online

  •  Ask your child what they remember about Episode 1 of Play Like Share.
  •  Ask your child:
  •  Who wrote a mean comment about Alfie? [the Popcorn Wizards]
  •  Who ‘liked’ the comment? [Sam]
  •  why wasn’t this a kind thing to do? [It might upset Alfie. Sam is meant to be Alfie’s friend]
  • Explain when we write or post something online, we must always think about how we might make other people feel.
  •  What positive words could Ellie, Alfie and Sam use to describe each other? Using Resource Sheet 2: Being kind online, ask your child to write as many positive words and phrases as they can think of next to each character, using any clues in the video to help. Alternatively, your child can draw pictures of each character and add positive words to describe them.


Resource sheet 1: Alfie’s profile

Label the picture to show what steps Alfie has taken. Write your answers in each box.


Resource sheet 2: Being kind online

What positive words could Ellie, Alfie and Sam use to describe each other?

About Thinkuknow

Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency. Once a fortnight, On Tuesdays, we will produce an activity sheet to help you support your child while schools are partially closed.

You’ll find lots of support and advice for parents and carers on keeping your child safe online at