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Topic Summer 4


Image result for theme park clip art

Activity One

Design your own Theme Park


Plan your own Theme Park to be opened when the pandemic ends. 

Will your park have a theme or be based on your favourite game?

What type of rides and attractions will you include in your theme park?


  1. Research theme parks that are already open – have you been to any of them?  Think about which parks you would like to visit and why.
  2. Have you ever been on a ride or rollercoaster?  Did you enjoy them – why/why not?  Was there anything that you would improve?  If you haven’t been on any rides which rides do you think you would enjoy; why do you think you would enjoy them?
  3. Think of the age group your theme park will be aimed at.  Are you designing for young children, teenagers or families?
  4. Think about the age group you have selected.

What will people of this age will be looking for in a theme park? You will need to have a range of different rides and think about your target groups needs e.g. small children might not like large or scary rides.

  1. Decide on an appropriate name for your theme park and rides.
  2. Draw a map of your theme park and plans for your rides.
  • What will you have at your theme park – where will people eat – if you are planning a café can you create a menu (see maths)?
  • What will your rides look like?   
  • What do your rides do – what is special about them that will make people want to visit your theme park (see English)?



Activity Two

Can you make a ride for your park out of recycled materials? Will it have any moving parts – how will you make these?  Remember to take a photo and share your work with us!


Image result for recycled modelling theme park

Image result for recycled modelling theme park



Activity Three

Many theme parks sell ice-cream.  Have you ever made your own ice-cream?

Normally eating and science projects don’t mix but this tasty experiment uses the power of salt to make your own ice-cream!