2021/22 Timetable Consultation

As a school, we are now working on our organisation for September. We are hoping that things will be returning to normal (if any of us can remember what that was). 'Covid' has changed many things in how schools are organised e.g., staggered days, lessons, eating and playing in bubbles. Several positives have come out of these changes that we will be continuing with in September e.g., wearing PE kit to school on PE days.
One of the major changes we made was school finishing after lunch on Fridays. This was to enable teachers to have their statutory planning, preparation and assessment time. This has worked very well and we are considering keeping this in place for September.
The proposal is that we put an additional 15 minutes on the teaching day through reducing the staggered drop offs/collections, starting/finishing 5 minutes earlier/later than previously, keeping the reduced lunch break and shorter assemblies (by delivering some remotely). We would also lengthen Friday mornings so all children in Years 1 - 6 will be taught until 12.30/12.35, have lunch and then finish school at 12.55/1.00. The amount of time the children receive face-to-face teaching will be exactly the same as before COVID and still in excess of Government guidelines.
The additional benefits are that all children will be taught by their usual teachers for the time they are attending school and not by other staff covering their teachers' PPA time. Proposed timetables for September can be viewed on the school website by clicking the link on the bottom of the school website's home page.
For parents/carers who are unable to collect their child(ren) after lunch on Fridays, they will still be able to remain in school and will be looked after by Learning Support Assistants until their usual finishing time.
In order to consider this, the Trust Directors and Governing Body of the school have asked for a consultation with staff, parents and pupils so an informed decision can be made. In order for your views to be taken into consideration, please complete by clicking on the link below to take you to a Google form. This must be submitted by Friday 4th June. If you are unable to access the form, a paper copy can be collected from and returned to the main school office.
Thank you for your continued support.