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Eco-Family Blog


Eco-Family are pleased to announce that we have now been awarded with the ‘Green Flag Eco -Award’. We would like to say thank you for all your support and for doing your bit to save our planet.  

We collected a total of 4200 crisp packets which were part of a grand total of 27,360 packets collected from local schools on Canvey and Benfleet.  These will now be sent away and made into cold-weather blankets for the homeless.  Well done everyone, great work! 

We are still collecting used batteries and trying to stop these from entering landfill.  The box is placed in the main entrance. 

We have had lots of donations of unwanted uniform, again, thank you!  Remember if your child has outgrown their uniform, lost their uniform or just need more, please feel free to come and take some.  You can knock on my door, ‘RHM’ classroom opposite the pirate ship, or leave a message with the ladies in the office.  Just let us know what is required and what size and we will do our best for you.  This is something we are planning to make easier for you really soon.  

If your child is doing their bit to look after our planet at home, then please let us know! We are extremely proud of anyone who is helping and would like to say thank you to them in school. 

We are busy looking into new projects and mores ways we can make a difference so please watch this space! 

The Eco-Family  


Some new members have joined our forever growing Eco-Family at Northwick Park.  We have been continuing with all our ongoing projects, we are pleased to update you on two new areas.

You may have noticed our new blue bin by the main gates.  You can donate any unwanted clothes or shoes here to be recycled.  This will not only reduce the amount of waste going into landfill but also generate money for the school which we are hoping to use for further projects.  We will continue to collect reusable uniform separately and will offer these to others from our ‘Uniform’ area in the main reception area. 

We have also been working on making items for our pond area.  Here we hope to make a ‘Recycled Garden’ for the whole school to enjoy.  Any donations will be greatly appreciated from plants, pots, ornaments to benches.  We will update you with photos as soon as we can.

The Eco-Family